Preserving Personal Data and GEODI

Preserving Personal Data and GEODI


Let’s find out Personal Data before preserving them.

Our Digital Footprints are everywhere, we leave traces in everywhere we go. How can one determine thousands of files inside thousands of computers in Corporations and Businesses and information inside data? The personal data should be known or detected before taking any measure. 

GEODI provides a certain solution with regard to detection. It can extract many information included in the scope of personal data from the text, such as personal names, TR Identity Numbers, Parcel Numbers, Places of Birth, Dates of Birth, Blood Types etc. In order for these data to become Personal Data, at least 2 of them must come together. GEODI reveals this relation, as well as personal data pairs or trios.

In order to do so, all you have to do is to introduce data sources in your web to GEODI. It will scan databases, web storages, corporate e-mail contents for you and reveal personal data.


Then, how about data inside hundreds of computers?

We have developed the “GEODI Desktop Explorer” solution for this matter. It is administered centrally, yet it starts in every computer and scan local indexes. Consequently, we will know inside out which data is in which source or file. It won’t take more than a couple of days for GEODI to convey this result to you.


After Detection

We’ve solved the harder part and now we know what’s inside the files, computers and databases. It is possible to delete, move or anonymize. Anonymization is very easy with GEODI and it is also possible to create strikethrough texts or make changes with imaginary names and numbers. The anonymization process, which would necessitate manual methods and probably take many years, can now occur in a few hours.



You have detected personal data in one go and have taken necessary measures, yet the data continues to flow. GEODI can make it non-stop for you. It will keep extracting data from last week, yesterday, last month.


Information as the Oil of New Age

We know the value of information. You have scanned all data repository while searching for personal data. You know what you have and haven’t. Thus, GEODI is ready to help you more in this respect. You might have solved all of your corporal searching requirements within the same project.

With GEODI, the life is easier


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